Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Final Blog
Research is something you never stop doing. Anytime you are finding information you are researching and the method you use differs everytime. This class made me aware of that. Everytime I research I am looking at my method as well as how I am going to analyze my results. Doing this has increased my ability to be an effective researcher and that is what I am taking away from the class.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
In response to Professor Amidon's blog
In response to Professor Amidon’s blog I don’t have any suggestions for a book. However, I do have opinions reguarding the class. Reading about different methods to research is one thing, it’s another to apply those methods. In my opinion, the actual application of these methods is more important than reading about them. In our class we did a little of that with quantitative and qualitative research, coding, and the free write exercise. In my opinion we only scratched the surface with these. The way I see a research development class is taking every research type and having to do them on a larger scale. Instead of assignments do them in projects either individual or group. The book would be used more of a reference and/or background material. The idea of a major individual project for the end of the semester is great, but adding this experience of applying the different research methods through the semester would benefit the students in a whole new way. The final project would be considered a stepping stone toward applying these methods in the real world instead of trying to choose which type of research method to use and then trying to do it for the first time, if never done before, on the final project. Anyway, this is what I thought about the professor’s request.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Off the subject but onto something I love
This has nothing to do with class, but it is of interest to me. The rock band Pearl Jam is putting out a new album on May 2 and their new single is out. The best part about it, besides it being one of the best things they have done, is you can download it for free at http://www.pearljam.com. Just read down until you see the note about downloading it for free. I wanted to share this with any PJ enthusiasts.
Additional Information about Childrens Book
I was so excited to finally display samples from my picture book I forgot some information that might be pertinent to some. So, here it is.
-The picture book is finished. In fact, I have a homemade hard back of the finished book in my book shelf.
-The book is 33 pages including the title/credit page.
-The age group is anywhere from 2-6. I say this because 2-4 year olds who do not understand the words can still enjoy the book through the pictures. If anything the book is more like a compilation of pictures of a funny looking, yet cut, puppy. The book is mainly for 4-6 year olds and something that can be read alone or with a parent (preferrably with a parent).
There you go. If anyone has any questions or want more information, let me know.
-The picture book is finished. In fact, I have a homemade hard back of the finished book in my book shelf.
-The book is 33 pages including the title/credit page.
-The age group is anywhere from 2-6. I say this because 2-4 year olds who do not understand the words can still enjoy the book through the pictures. If anything the book is more like a compilation of pictures of a funny looking, yet cut, puppy. The book is mainly for 4-6 year olds and something that can be read alone or with a parent (preferrably with a parent).
There you go. If anyone has any questions or want more information, let me know.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
My Picture Book
I have been trying to figure out the best way to display samples of my picture book that I am doing my proposal on. I thought it would give a better understanding of what the book was about. Finally, I decided to post a sample of the book itself. This isn't the complete book but it will give an idea of what is going on in it.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Data Coding
The assignment on coding was an interesting approach to research. I liked the empirical aspect of dividing information into categories. What intrigued me the most was the potential for coding to be best used in qualitative research. Someone mentioned in the discussion how this type of method would help eliminate things “falling through the cracks”, and I could agree more. The previous assignment where we had to analyze a qualitative paper left me with the opinion that qualitative research has more room for error than quantitative research. At least the research paper I analyzed appeared that way. Applying the method we worked on would help organize the qualitative research in a more efficient and effective way. As a result the validity and reliability of the research would increase. If I do any qualitative research I definitely plan to use the data coding research method.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
My inclass assignment
Assignment from Box 17
The doctor’s office was covered in beige from ceiling to floor. Even the countertops were the same color. The color made me nauseous looking at the same constant color the whole time while sitting in an undersized chair in the corner next to the door. This was convenient to torcher any husband waiting for their wife because every time someone opened the door my knees would hit my chin. At least that was what it felt like.
While I tried to not look at the gross beige I focused on the ugly green border that circled the top part of the wall. I tried to stay calm but my left leg kept shaking uncontrollably. I was so nervous. I didn’t have any idea what a babies heartbeat sounded like. So, I sat in my little corner and waited in this nauseous colored room waiting to hear what was going to be a product of me.
Finally, what seemed like hours, the doctor came in with my wife, who was holding her stomach, and propped her up on the medical bed? I stood up almost instantly as they opened the door and I ended up falling back into the seat hitting my tailbone against the back of the chair. I didn’t feel it until I got out of the doctors office later.
The doctor was a female with dark brown hair, similar to my wife’s, and she introduced herself as someone. I can’t remember the name because my heart was beating in my ears. She pulled out an old plastic brown box hooked up to an old 1950’s microphone. I looked at my wife and smiled as assuredly as I could because she looked more scared than I felt. I went over to her and took her hand holding it gently letting her know it was going to be okay.
The doctor rubbed some clear gooey lotion on my wife’s lower belly and turned a knob on the brown box causing a hissing noise. We both held our breath as the doctor put the microphone to the lotion and began moving it around looking for a specific noise. All my wife and I heard was a sound of someone moving skin over a microphone until a rapidly moving pulse came into the background. As the doctor moved the microphone slowly the pulse grew and soon consumed the room. It was so strong and vibrant that the brown box began to slightly vibrate in the doctor’s hand. It was at this moment, all my anxiety and fears vanished at the sound of the rapid heartbeat.
I began jumping up and down like a little school boy who just won the kickball game for his team. I felt pride, not for me, but for the little life growing inside my wife. My cheeks began to hurt from the gleaming smile permanently smeared on my face. I bent down and kissed my wife on the forehead and then her lips telling her I loved her so much. Then I looked into her eyes and that changed everything.
My emotional high went from twelve, on a ten point scale, to a five when I saw her thoughts. Her big brown eyes were expanding exponentially, not out of total happiness, but from freaking out. I didn’t say anything until we left the office. I asked her what was wrong with her after hearing the heartbeat. She turned to me with that same look and said
“I don’t want to be pregnant during the summer. It’s going to be awful. I’m going to be hot and sweaty and hot….”
She went on for a little longer while I pulled her close to comfort her. She rested her head on my chest and sobbed a little. I knew what was going on. The last part of the pregnancy was going to happen in July and August, the hottest parts of the summer and she was going to be the biggest. I held her close and reassured her that I would do everything I could to make sure she was comfortable during that time. She made me promise, not a serious hold you to your life promise, but a promise that would make her feel better. Then we kissed and parted. I went to my car feeling like I just won the lottery. It was the best feeling in the world, until I sat down and felt the searing pain from where my tail bone hit the back of the chair. I drove back to work in pain, but smiling knowing it was worth it.
The doctor’s office was covered in beige from ceiling to floor. Even the countertops were the same color. The color made me nauseous looking at the same constant color the whole time while sitting in an undersized chair in the corner next to the door. This was convenient to torcher any husband waiting for their wife because every time someone opened the door my knees would hit my chin. At least that was what it felt like.
While I tried to not look at the gross beige I focused on the ugly green border that circled the top part of the wall. I tried to stay calm but my left leg kept shaking uncontrollably. I was so nervous. I didn’t have any idea what a babies heartbeat sounded like. So, I sat in my little corner and waited in this nauseous colored room waiting to hear what was going to be a product of me.
Finally, what seemed like hours, the doctor came in with my wife, who was holding her stomach, and propped her up on the medical bed? I stood up almost instantly as they opened the door and I ended up falling back into the seat hitting my tailbone against the back of the chair. I didn’t feel it until I got out of the doctors office later.
The doctor was a female with dark brown hair, similar to my wife’s, and she introduced herself as someone. I can’t remember the name because my heart was beating in my ears. She pulled out an old plastic brown box hooked up to an old 1950’s microphone. I looked at my wife and smiled as assuredly as I could because she looked more scared than I felt. I went over to her and took her hand holding it gently letting her know it was going to be okay.
The doctor rubbed some clear gooey lotion on my wife’s lower belly and turned a knob on the brown box causing a hissing noise. We both held our breath as the doctor put the microphone to the lotion and began moving it around looking for a specific noise. All my wife and I heard was a sound of someone moving skin over a microphone until a rapidly moving pulse came into the background. As the doctor moved the microphone slowly the pulse grew and soon consumed the room. It was so strong and vibrant that the brown box began to slightly vibrate in the doctor’s hand. It was at this moment, all my anxiety and fears vanished at the sound of the rapid heartbeat.
I began jumping up and down like a little school boy who just won the kickball game for his team. I felt pride, not for me, but for the little life growing inside my wife. My cheeks began to hurt from the gleaming smile permanently smeared on my face. I bent down and kissed my wife on the forehead and then her lips telling her I loved her so much. Then I looked into her eyes and that changed everything.
My emotional high went from twelve, on a ten point scale, to a five when I saw her thoughts. Her big brown eyes were expanding exponentially, not out of total happiness, but from freaking out. I didn’t say anything until we left the office. I asked her what was wrong with her after hearing the heartbeat. She turned to me with that same look and said
“I don’t want to be pregnant during the summer. It’s going to be awful. I’m going to be hot and sweaty and hot….”
She went on for a little longer while I pulled her close to comfort her. She rested her head on my chest and sobbed a little. I knew what was going on. The last part of the pregnancy was going to happen in July and August, the hottest parts of the summer and she was going to be the biggest. I held her close and reassured her that I would do everything I could to make sure she was comfortable during that time. She made me promise, not a serious hold you to your life promise, but a promise that would make her feel better. Then we kissed and parted. I went to my car feeling like I just won the lottery. It was the best feeling in the world, until I sat down and felt the searing pain from where my tail bone hit the back of the chair. I drove back to work in pain, but smiling knowing it was worth it.
Quantitative vs. Qualitative
Comparing the two exercises I have found quantitative research to be easier to follow and understand. This could be from my background in psychological research, but even in doing that some of the research was qualitative. This brings up some interesting questions about these two types of research for me. My qualitative research assignment was in the field of language and teaching practices. I found it extremely difficult to follow and understand what the researchers were studying. This made me think about the writing involved in the actual paper itself. I thought about different feilds writing in different ways. I'm sure this concept isn't new, in fact, that is evident in writing between different types of creative writing. What I have found is that the style of writing may not always be the right type when reporting qualitative or quantitative research. I feel that if quantitative or qualitative research is being reported, a more scientific or technical type of writing style should be followed in research papers. It organizes information in a much clearer and more concrete way. Anyway, I thought I would share.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My proposal
Because my proposal is surrounding my picture book, it has caused me to go back and reevaluate my picture book again. I'm doing this to go over the focus of what the book is about and who my target audience is. By doing this, it is helping me to narrow who my target audience is for my proposal.
Friday, February 03, 2006
My proposal
This is my proposal I turned in. I thought I would post it so I could get feedback from other people in class.
I am going to do my research proposal on publishing my picture book. The book is already done and would be the best choice to work on because one of the professions I would like to be is a children’s author. This would be a good opportunity for me to get familiar with the process of researching for children publication.
The type of research I would do for publishing a children’s picture book would be varied. First, I would start with researching the proper market that would fit my picture book. For example, I would want to research what area of the market would be interested in my book from highest to lowest. Since my picture book is about a dog and the proper ways to take care of it, I would find the niche’ that would fit this subject matter the best and then look for the second and so on. This way I have a good starting point to go from when I go to market the book to the public.
Second, I would research publishers the same way. I would find the publishers that deal with the most criteria of the subject matter. In this case I would find publishers that deal in children picture books, animals, specific subject matter about training, and proper care of an animal. From here, I would go to the next group of publishers that didn’t have as many criteria as the first group. This way I have a good starting point to go from again.
Third, I would research grants and/or agencies that would be interested in funding the book for educational or other purposes. I would start by finding the proper process to find grants, and then go through the process of finding the appropriate ones and applying for them. As far as agencies I would start with agencies that would meet as many criteria as possible. These would be animal shelters, animal activists, or others. This process would take a long time and would require a completely different proposal, but I think it would be worth looking into.
These three can be modified and combined to produce the best options for me to take in getting the book published. Also, the research is so diversified that it will help in the other areas I was interested in developing proposals for. I figure if I am going to do this type of research for the first time, it should be on something that I truly love and put a lot of passion into.
If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or comments they would be most welcome.
I am going to do my research proposal on publishing my picture book. The book is already done and would be the best choice to work on because one of the professions I would like to be is a children’s author. This would be a good opportunity for me to get familiar with the process of researching for children publication.
The type of research I would do for publishing a children’s picture book would be varied. First, I would start with researching the proper market that would fit my picture book. For example, I would want to research what area of the market would be interested in my book from highest to lowest. Since my picture book is about a dog and the proper ways to take care of it, I would find the niche’ that would fit this subject matter the best and then look for the second and so on. This way I have a good starting point to go from when I go to market the book to the public.
Second, I would research publishers the same way. I would find the publishers that deal with the most criteria of the subject matter. In this case I would find publishers that deal in children picture books, animals, specific subject matter about training, and proper care of an animal. From here, I would go to the next group of publishers that didn’t have as many criteria as the first group. This way I have a good starting point to go from again.
Third, I would research grants and/or agencies that would be interested in funding the book for educational or other purposes. I would start by finding the proper process to find grants, and then go through the process of finding the appropriate ones and applying for them. As far as agencies I would start with agencies that would meet as many criteria as possible. These would be animal shelters, animal activists, or others. This process would take a long time and would require a completely different proposal, but I think it would be worth looking into.
These three can be modified and combined to produce the best options for me to take in getting the book published. Also, the research is so diversified that it will help in the other areas I was interested in developing proposals for. I figure if I am going to do this type of research for the first time, it should be on something that I truly love and put a lot of passion into.
If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or comments they would be most welcome.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Reading for today/Class
I apologize for not being in class today due to a family crisis.
The reading for today was very interesting to say the least. It seemed like a very well thought out merge between fiction and scientific writing (more fiction than science). Definitely very visually stimulating with phrases like "gleaming cathedral of science" and "glass doors". I could see myself in those spaces. The use of headings was very remeniscent of a scientific paper, but the paragraphs underneath felt more like short fiction or even narrative poetry. It opened my perception to another form of writing I never seen before. Also, the way it describes a type of scientific study or test on a subject but instead of data and scientific results it is a narrative.
It was a fabulous original piece. Something I would like to experiment with later in my writings.
The reading for today was very interesting to say the least. It seemed like a very well thought out merge between fiction and scientific writing (more fiction than science). Definitely very visually stimulating with phrases like "gleaming cathedral of science" and "glass doors". I could see myself in those spaces. The use of headings was very remeniscent of a scientific paper, but the paragraphs underneath felt more like short fiction or even narrative poetry. It opened my perception to another form of writing I never seen before. Also, the way it describes a type of scientific study or test on a subject but instead of data and scientific results it is a narrative.
It was a fabulous original piece. Something I would like to experiment with later in my writings.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Something Annoying
I just love when professors give you additional readings within a project you are working on and don't tell you. Then I love it even more when you try to find a link for it on their web site and it doesn't exist leaving you without any hope of trying to find it so you can complete a project (particularly an analysis project) properly.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Grant writing proposal
Grant writing has always been an interest to me for several reasons. First, I would like to learn how to get funding for my ideas like everyone else. Especially money one doesn't necessarily have to pay back. Second, learning to write effective grants would benifit me as I go into the workplace. I could end up working for a firm or an organization writing grant proposals such as at an university. They are writing grants all the time. Third, with this type of information I could start my own consulting firm and help others researching and developing grant proposals. This is an interesting topic one that I will have to research further before I make my final decision.
Journalism Reading
I found a big difference when comparing writing styles between the reading for today and the past two. The journalism piece was more to the point and it included clever little catch phrases like "supersize" to help reinforce its point. Also, it was much more cynical in context. Especially toward the end of the second page.
On a side note, I find it really interesting how the style becomes more relaxed as we go from the progression of technical writing, to academic writing, to journalistic writing this far. In a way it makes me wonder how these types of styles became labeled to the certain types of writing. Why can't the journalistic style be used for academic writing? Who decided what type goes to what? These are the questions I started to ask myself after reading these articles.
On a side note, I find it really interesting how the style becomes more relaxed as we go from the progression of technical writing, to academic writing, to journalistic writing this far. In a way it makes me wonder how these types of styles became labeled to the certain types of writing. Why can't the journalistic style be used for academic writing? Who decided what type goes to what? These are the questions I started to ask myself after reading these articles.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Business Plan Proposal
I have given writing a proposal for either a non-profit or for-profit business plan a lot of thought. the advantages is that by doing this idea I will have knowledge in researching information to formulate and design effective business plans. This would be really benificial down the road. I could use this knowledge to take my own ideas and develop them into business plans. I could use the knowledge to help others refine thiers or even help them create a new one. This would open up more possibilities because I could start a consulting firm, or work as a freelance consultant helping businesses restructure thier business plans or even help them gather research if they are planning to go a different direction. I could even write my own book on how to create an effective business plan (if I got good enough at creating them). This idea looks very promising, but before I commit, I still want to run through my other options.
Todays Reading
I found todays reading interesting from an English students perspective. As a student with a concentration in writing, this article presented a subject that presented some of the same writing problems I often have so it was really interesting to see his progression with his writing through his schooling.
What I didn't like was the choices they made such as the school they chose to get a subject and the fact that they didn't use a student entering a university from high school. I think if you are going to analyze conventions of writing students then you should start at the beginning and see the foundation of these students backgrounds. Their test subject had an already vast background in writing, while studying students entering a university or even high school would have been more interesting and intriguing. Especially when you are trying to solve problems with the writing convention used by more experience students or even professionals. By studying the students learning and beginning to develope writing conventions, it would become easier to pin point problem areas whether it was in the teaching style, the way the student processes information and translates it in their writing, or something else. I just feel the designers of this study chose something easy to do rather than going for more benificial research with younger less experienced subjects.
What I didn't like was the choices they made such as the school they chose to get a subject and the fact that they didn't use a student entering a university from high school. I think if you are going to analyze conventions of writing students then you should start at the beginning and see the foundation of these students backgrounds. Their test subject had an already vast background in writing, while studying students entering a university or even high school would have been more interesting and intriguing. Especially when you are trying to solve problems with the writing convention used by more experience students or even professionals. By studying the students learning and beginning to develope writing conventions, it would become easier to pin point problem areas whether it was in the teaching style, the way the student processes information and translates it in their writing, or something else. I just feel the designers of this study chose something easy to do rather than going for more benificial research with younger less experienced subjects.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Thinking back to deciding what type of proposal we are supposed to do, and I gving 5 different types in class, it is really time for me to, like Professor Amidon said, to decide. The problem is, I want to do all of them or at least learn how to do all of them. But, like everyone else, I have to choose one.
So, my solution, is to form a method and research each idea's advantage and disadvantage, for me, and use my findings to hopefully narrow down, if not decide, which idea to do. In doing so, I am going to share this on my upcoming blog entries. Starting with my next entry I will look at the not-for-profit and for-profit business plan ideas as one of the possible ones for me.
So, my solution, is to form a method and research each idea's advantage and disadvantage, for me, and use my findings to hopefully narrow down, if not decide, which idea to do. In doing so, I am going to share this on my upcoming blog entries. Starting with my next entry I will look at the not-for-profit and for-profit business plan ideas as one of the possible ones for me.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The way I research
Since we are talking about researching, I thought I would describe the process in which I do research. This way other people can see how I do it, and it may help them in doing research as well as if they do it a different way that is easier, then they can offer that information to me.
I go about researching something very systematically. An example is I want information on Dacshund breed types, life spans, and coloring. Usually, I go to the internet first because I have found that most information is easily accessible through it. I use Google and break what I am looking for down into sections such as "Dacshund breed types" then "Dacshund life spans", and "Dacshund coloring" if I need to. Something as factual as this usually brings up encyclopedias and other factual based sites that have all the information together.
If I'm looking for more abstract ideas then I have to do a little more searching, but I still use the breaking down into sections method. I use this method when I go into the databases through the library to find more scientific and scholarly articles for term papers, and other projects.
This is what I do. If it helps others great, if someone has a better way of doing things please let me know what you do. That would really help me out.
I go about researching something very systematically. An example is I want information on Dacshund breed types, life spans, and coloring. Usually, I go to the internet first because I have found that most information is easily accessible through it. I use Google and break what I am looking for down into sections such as "Dacshund breed types" then "Dacshund life spans", and "Dacshund coloring" if I need to. Something as factual as this usually brings up encyclopedias and other factual based sites that have all the information together.
If I'm looking for more abstract ideas then I have to do a little more searching, but I still use the breaking down into sections method. I use this method when I go into the databases through the library to find more scientific and scholarly articles for term papers, and other projects.
This is what I do. If it helps others great, if someone has a better way of doing things please let me know what you do. That would really help me out.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A New Beginning
This is the first of (what I hope) will be a ongoing weblog that moves past the class this was designed for.
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